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1998-03-19 -

My dream is no more than what you allow it to be

My labyrinth is no more than what you create
My road is no more than what you are willing to go
My smile is no more than what you feed it with
I will only have nightmares if you give them to me
I will only fly if you give me wings
I will only tremble if you are frightening
I will only love if you say you want me to

Have you seen my labyrinth?

Walls, the next one beggining where the first one ends
crossing after crossing among roads without goal
My exit is my entrance and the road begins at the end
Trapped by the fear of becoming who I am
Easy to enter
Impossible to get out

If you could walk with me

We could walk until the road becomes ourselves
And we could be embraced by my inner dreams
When there is nothing left but the two of us
We would be free from the trap of what we are
and would not fear what we never became
Easy to enter
Would you solve my labyrinth with me?
Mer i Dikt
Me and my kitchen
Kill me
Lovely bird of prey
I turn the stars for no one
Lt mig vara med

Min kompis bad mig måla en tavla som en bröllopspresent, så här blev det!
Recension: Jacy's
I-V: Freja
I-III: Oden
I-II: Yggdrasil
I-I: Ur Ginnungagap
Recension: Bohusgården Hotell & Konferens
Recension: Elite Palace
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Recension: Steam Hotell
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